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The History Of Vacuum Packaging Machine Industry

Liaoning EO Technology Co.,Ltd | Updated: Mar 23, 2018

According to Li Chunzhen, secretary general of the Vacuum Packaging Machine Industry Branch of the China General Machinery Industry Association, the vacuum industry in China experienced two stages of development: from the 1950s to the mid-1980s, it was the first period of development. It started from making a simple suction machine. At that time, there were less than 20 companies producing vacuum equipment in the country, and products were mainly made up of middle and low vacuum equipment, such as the mirror coating machine cigarette packing machine. From the late 1980s to the entire 1990s, it was the second period of development of the vacuum industry in China. During this period, the number of manufacturing enterprises increased to nearly 3,000 and the number of employees reached 35,000. Throughout the vacuum industry, the overall level after the "Seventh Five-Year" and "Eighth Five-Year" technological transformation has been greatly improved. In terms of processing conditions, advanced production equipment such as CNC machining centers and resin sand castings have begun to equip enterprises. By 1996, due to the stimulating of the magnesium industry, the vacuum industry was rapidly developed.